Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Therapy

Holistic Aromatherapy treatment / Essential Oil Therapy consultation

Therapist: Momoko Okamura (PEOT/ Aromatherapit (M.I.F.A.))



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エッセンシャルオイルセラピー / ホリスティックアロマテラピートリートメント

岡村桃子 (英国IFA認定精油療法士/ アロマテラピスト)




Essential oil is very powerful. It works for your physical, mental, energetic fields directly and also indirectly. It is not only scents.

Each essential oil has its own benefits. I would like you to experience healthy and beautiful world of Aromatherapy.


I offer 2 kinds of session at Tokyo Paramedi.


  1. Essential Oil Therapy Consultation (50min. 7000yen)

This is a gentle counseling session for your health.  You could talk and ask me everything about your recent condition. I choose some suitable essential oils from over 50 kinds of oils for you and suggest how you can use them with yourself at home. I can make some cream, gel, or body oil for you. Also, you can order essential oils if you would like to do so (you need another payment). I may suggest some Bach flower remedies in occasionally.


  1. Aromatherapy Body (Facial) Treatment (60min. 10000yen / 90min. 13000yen)

This is very suitable treatment when you feel tired, depressed, irritated, or dull.

Scents of essential oils make you feel much better and touching of therapist leads you relaxed, refreshed mood. Also, this treatment improves your systemic blood circulation and lymphatic flow, it means the tension of muscles will be released and swelling body will be improved.

We need another 20min. for consultation before treatment and need about 2hours for whole of the session. Please book with that concern. For example, if you book 60min. session, you need 60min. for treatment, 20min. for consultation and extra time.



My related Education

2000 Graduated IFA Holistic Aromatherapist course at Vivat Holistic Training/ then certified by IFA (International Federation of Aromatherapist)

2003 Finished Reflexology School in Tokyo

2017 Finished Aromatherapy of Provance Instructor course supervising by Dr. Nelly Grosjean at London School of Aromatherapy Japan

2020 Graduated IFA PEOT course at London School Aromatherapy Japan/ Certified by IFA

2021 Finished Bach flower remedy Practitioner course


My related experience

Relaxation body treatment at hotels in central Tokyo

Opening member of holistic treatment salon in Tokyo

Facial, Body reflexology treatment at aromatherapy salon in Setagaya, Tokyo

Teacher for essential oil study group at salon Kupu kupu in Komae, Tokyo

Volunteer therapist at Nursing home in Zama, Kanagawa






  1. エッセンシャルオイルセラピー コンサルテーション (50. 7000)



  1. ホリスティック・アロマテラピー・ボディトリートメント(6010000 / 90 13000)







2000 Vivat Holistic TrainingにてIFAコースを卒業、同年IFA認定アロマセラピストとなる

2003 都内にてリフレクソロジースクールを修了

2017 ロンドンスクールオブアロマテラピージャパンにてネリー・グロジャン博士のプロヴァンス式アロマテラピーインストラクターコースを修了

2020 ロンドンスクールオブアロマテラピージャパンにてIFA PEOT コースを卒業、IFA認定精油療法士となる

2021 都内にてバッチフラワーレメディーの実践コースを修了







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